Recently I FINALLY acquired my FIRST dog.  First, allow me to explain how much I wanted a cat when I was younger.  The only furry animals my family has ever owned (besides snakes, tortoises, and other reptiles my dad would find in the woods) has been one cat until I was 4 years old...and later in life (6th grade) my parents finally let me have a parakeet. I wanted a cuddly cat/kitten until I was in middle school, and then I think it changed into wanting a cuddly puppy.  I begged my parents for years.  And I'm betting that I probably mentioned that to them at least once a month, every month my entire 17 years of being home (or at least since I learned to speak).  I would bring this to their attention even more around specific holidays (my birthday and Christmas).

I remember in high school, my best friend, Katie, had been in the same boat all her life (never allowed to own a dog/cat either); and then her parents finally gave in because they knew the importance it had for their children.  That's when I began really pushing my parents, but mainly my mom wouldn't give in.  I think her being raised on a farm with too many animals (St. Bernards included) might have had something to do with our lack of childhood delight growing up.All that to say every month when I would ask my parents for a puppy or a kitten and my parents would say no, I would always retaliate with, "Fine!  When I move out some day, the first thing I'm doing is buying a dog or cat!"  

And they would always reply with, "That's fine, honey.  You can do what you want when you're on your own.  Just remember that you are going to have to be responsible for taking care of it."  

As if I was never a responsible child growing up...

So when I told my parents I got her recently, they responded with, "Really?!  Marilyn!  Why?!"

Haha.  Duh!  But anyway, they seem to be more supportive now than surprised.  It's like they're secretly waiting for me to get sick of her or something and get rid of her.  But I don't think I ever could.  She's amazing.  She's quite a little hyper terror sometimes (or 50% of the time), but even in those times, she's fun.  I'm hoping I can win my parents over to the dog-loving side of the world when one day they will have to babysit her.  :o)

Her name is Evie and she was 8 weeks old when I got her.  The people who I bought her from (on Craigslist) said she was a "Teacup Yorkie," and that's what I had been telling people for the first two weeks I had her.  However, she has grown so much since I've had her, that I am thinking now she is a normal Yorkshire Terrier.  She is 12 weeks old now and since yesterday was so bright and sunny, I took some great photos of her...  see below...

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