So I have always wondered how people can tell what my ethnicity is or think they can.  Ever since I was about six (that I can remember), I have been called all kinds of cultures....  Chinese, Japanese, Pacific Islander/Philippino, Hawaiian, Latino, Mexican, and even Middle Eastern.  

When I was younger, it seemed like all Asians I knew could ALWAYS tell that I was Korean.  It was kind of funny because I remember going to the mall and getting Chinese food from Mandarin Express (I think).  And the woman serving my plate asked me if I was Korean.  I asked her how she knew, and she said, "I can just tell."  Then she served my plate with extra care, smiling, and watched me as I walked off, smiling.  This was weird to me.

But these days, people (and a lot of Asians) think that I am from South America or hispanic or some kind of mixed Asian/hispanic blend.  One person actually came up to me while I was having dinner with Kaleb one night and said, "Excuse me, but are you hispanic?"  And when I said no, he said, "Oh, sorry," and walked off.

All of this to's a very informational video that I think you should all watch.  It helped me understand my ethnicity better...

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