Today, I want to write about these amazing boots I just bought myself recently. I found them at Shoe Carnival and I consider them my Christmas present to myself! The brand name is, "Wanted," and they are called, "Trick Boots." I spent quite a bit for them (for my tastes at least), but if you really want to know how much, you can look it up on your own. My pair is actually gray.

I know this really seems like something ridiculous to post about. But I believe that boots make a great contribution to fashion and society...especially in the winter time. They keep you warm, they look sexy, and they provide extra protection against predators. Seriously, who wouldn't want to buy a pair of sexy hot boots (including you men out there)?!

Here are a few famous examples in history of sexy hot boots for men...

Anyway, I think the main reason why I am so excited about my new boots is that I have wanted a pair for a long time. And not just any pair, but a pair that didn't wiegh 10+lbs., didn't make me look like a I was about to go horseback riding, and also didn't make me look like a stripper...Also I didn't want any kind of Ugz (no offense to all my friends who own a pair, they just aren't my style right now). Unfortunately, all of that seems to be a very hard combination to find.

Every year, I look for a pair, but am never successful in finding them or I end up settling - like last year. I ended up getting a pair of 10lber horseback riding boots. They are okay... I will save them for the next time I plan to ride, haha!


  1. Thanks for the comment

    I didn't have Kaleb's address (got yours from your graduation invite). But wanted to send you guys a little note. and Glad you guys liked the card. You should know better to think I bought it. Hah. I haven't bought a card in years.

    Hope you guys survived the Holidays, and let me know when your site is done (I think it's better than the previous design). And the photo of you and Kaleb is kind of funny.


  2. I know exactly what you're talking about with the boots! It's so hard to find a pair that fits my own style. I actually finally found THE pair at a Farm'n'Fleet. =-D Yup, I'm that country. They are cute though.

    Anyway, I'm so excited to read your blog! It's good to read; I almost feel like I'm talking to you. If you're interested, I'm updating my blog this semester of student teaching. Enjoy!

  3. Your comments about boots reminds me of an old poem by Rudyard Kipling called INFANTRY COLUMNS.

    "We're foot—slog—slog—slog—sloggin' over Africa —

    Foot—foot—foot—foot—sloggin' over Africa —

    (Boots—boots—boots—boots—movin' up an' down again!)

    There's no discharge in the war!"


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