First news, I wanted to mention is that I finally found an awesome new job.  My advice to everyone out there is this: Never settle on a job that's something you aren't going to be able to do for a long time.  Don't just work a job to have one unless you are prepared to be miserable.  Because if that job doesn't include awesome work or being with semi-positive people every day, then most likely you're not going to be happy at all.

This was a very simple lesson that I learned by stupidly making myself go through it first...Also I'm pretty sure that medicine will never be my career.  It's so incredibly interesting, but not creative enough for me to do every day.

The second news is about my wonderful Grandpa Sharky...probably the kindest, most genuine soul of anyone I know.  My grandpa (mom's father, who is now 91 years old) was recently diagnosed with full-blown pancreatic cancer...  In the last year, grandpa was in the hospital for falling on his porch and breaking his neck while he was alone.  Grandpa had a triple bipass on his heart a few years ago also.  After talking to my mom, who is now in the hospital with him, she conveyed to me that he probably only has up to a month to live.

I spoke with him on the phone yesterday and upon hearing his voice, I felt for a moment what it will be like when he's gone.  And I realized that it's hard to really feel like you've appreciated someone until they're almost gone.  Up until 2 or 3 years ago, grandpa would still get on his tractor and work on his farm.  Grandpa Sharky has the sharpest mind for a man his age; he remembers dates, birthdays, and history like none other!  He reminded me about my upcoming birthday, which I had forgotten about since my birthdays aren't as much of a priority to me as they used to be.  

And then he said that he hopes to be better soon enough to go home.  He mentioned this a few times to me.  And he actually seemed kind of sure that he was going to recover from all of this.  What an amazing spirit!  He stays positive in the hardest times, when it would seem to anyone else that there is not much hope.  I love my grandpa and it would be AWESOME if he could make it for another year and see our wedding.  For now, there is hope and prayer.  I just had some trouble sleeping this morning and couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I have been to have a man like him for my grandpa.  He has spread much joy to many lives.

It's been a long time since I've written some thoughts on the blogger, so I am finally going to talk about being engaged publicly on the internet.  Maybe that's part of why I haven't written more recently.  There's something about being engaged, in the beginning, that makes you want to keep it private.  Maybe it's the bombarding of questions, ideas, and unsolicited advice of how people think you should get married.  Also it takes some time to get used to being engaged.  I mean, it's never happened before and it's only going to happen once...whoa!

So far it's been a little stressful since my family lives far away.  And once you get engaged, you begin to realize how much of the actual wedding ceremony will be about other people and not just for you and your matey (haha).  

No. We haven't set a date yet, but we have some places in mind which we plan to check out before we commit to it.  I will let all of you know when that happens.

On another note, I've realized how much Oklahoma City (the #1 recession-proof city in the U.S.-as stated by the Greater Chamber newsletter) is actually kind of suffering because of the economy.  Work has been stressful.  And my attitude has been bad.  I work my booty off every day at my job and after writing this, I'm going to go run maybe 5 miles to get it out!

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