Today, I want to write about these amazing boots I just bought myself recently. I found them at Shoe Carnival and I consider them my Christmas present to myself! The brand name is, "Wanted," and they are called, "Trick Boots." I spent quite a bit for them (for my tastes at least), but if you really want to know how much, you can look it up on your own. My pair is actually gray.

I know this really seems like something ridiculous to post about. But I believe that boots make a great contribution to fashion and society...especially in the winter time. They keep you warm, they look sexy, and they provide extra protection against predators. Seriously, who wouldn't want to buy a pair of sexy hot boots (including you men out there)?!

Here are a few famous examples in history of sexy hot boots for men...

Anyway, I think the main reason why I am so excited about my new boots is that I have wanted a pair for a long time. And not just any pair, but a pair that didn't wiegh 10+lbs., didn't make me look like a I was about to go horseback riding, and also didn't make me look like a stripper...Also I didn't want any kind of Ugz (no offense to all my friends who own a pair, they just aren't my style right now). Unfortunately, all of that seems to be a very hard combination to find.

Every year, I look for a pair, but am never successful in finding them or I end up settling - like last year. I ended up getting a pair of 10lber horseback riding boots. They are okay... I will save them for the next time I plan to ride, haha!

TODAY I finally made time to call my local county registrar's office so they can send me an absentee ballot pronto! Usually they are closed by the time I get off work and have the chance to call.

Yes, I will get to vote!

I have to admit, I was talking to some friends recently. And they were telling me that the last day to register was last week. LUCKILY, I am already registered. I voted for my first time in the last 2004 election for the big Dubbie-ya (W)! However...THAT (last week) was not the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot!!!

I started thinking about it this morning while I was driving and listening to people on the radio talk about their opinions of the candidates for this election. (Was that a run-on?) And then I realised how much I really do care about this election. I know I will be mailing in my vote. My boss assured me today that my vote would just be thrown away, since that was the big scandal in the last election (the throwing away of mail-in votes). Whatever. I need to try. I know my vote counts too. Voting makes me feel more a part of this country.

We that vote will have a say in the economy...our government...and the world for the next 4 years!!

LET FREEDOM RING!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

After I wrote this post, that Reba Macintire song just popped into my head...

So I have always wondered how people can tell what my ethnicity is or think they can.  Ever since I was about six (that I can remember), I have been called all kinds of cultures....  Chinese, Japanese, Pacific Islander/Philippino, Hawaiian, Latino, Mexican, and even Middle Eastern.  

When I was younger, it seemed like all Asians I knew could ALWAYS tell that I was Korean.  It was kind of funny because I remember going to the mall and getting Chinese food from Mandarin Express (I think).  And the woman serving my plate asked me if I was Korean.  I asked her how she knew, and she said, "I can just tell."  Then she served my plate with extra care, smiling, and watched me as I walked off, smiling.  This was weird to me.

But these days, people (and a lot of Asians) think that I am from South America or hispanic or some kind of mixed Asian/hispanic blend.  One person actually came up to me while I was having dinner with Kaleb one night and said, "Excuse me, but are you hispanic?"  And when I said no, he said, "Oh, sorry," and walked off.

All of this to's a very informational video that I think you should all watch.  It helped me understand my ethnicity better...

If you have trouble viewing this, then just go to this website:

This is my first blog in about two years (if anyone still remembers "Xanga").  But I love to write and let everyone know how I'm doing so I'm going to try this again...  Plus I think it'll be good to have this once I begin my world travels again...which will start happening once I graduate and move (hopefully December 08).  Okay-maybe not quite that soon.  But that's the dream.

So today... I accomplished one of my life goals!  Actually I did two in one week!!  Last week I decided to run and mostly walk around Lake Overholser.  And today, I made it around the Big Lake Hefner (approx. 9.5miles around).  Needless to say I am a little tired.

After my long run and getting nice and sunburnt on my upper back and face, I took a trip to Super Target.  I feel a little less bad if I shop there over Wal-Mart.  I needed to get some food and things.  And I knew I could depend on Target to have most of those.  

So I go to Target and on the way in, there was a little wait on the parking.  I had to wait for three crazy cars to cut me off without even using a blinker, or using it so late that it was pointless to use.  In one of the cars, this girl with long blonde hair seemed to be yelling at something or someone, but the guy in the car with her seemed unaffected...  Okay, so I park, following the guy who cut me off and who is also driving 2mph out to find his perfect spot.

I also must say that I was hoping it would be a little more calm than a typical Wal-Mart (since I was physically exhausted) and a little less busy since it's Labor Day, and people are supposed to be on vacation still.  But it seemed like everywhere I went, that spot happened to be where someone else and their child needed to be as well.  I went down one isle where a lady was on her phone and told her daughter to pick out whatever she wanted on that isle.  So the girl is saying, "Oooh, I want this one.  No, I want this one."  I was on the other side of the isle and she came to the exact item I was looking at (granola bars) and said she wanted one.  

So I go to a different isle and make my way to the biscuits, a few minutes later, while dodging moms-on-a-mission and crazy kids everywhere.  I find the one I am going to buy, and as I am walking from the cart over to that item, the mom and her daughter run over to it!  The mom again says, "Okay honey, pick out what you want."  I think this girl was about 5 or 6 years old.

I finally escaped the Target and was on my way home when I remembered my Powerade!  I left it on the bottom of the cart and completely forgot it was there because I was so eager to get out.  I turned the car around, still having hope that it would be there when I got back.  And as I parked my car quickly in a spot near the cart dropoff at Target, I could see the cart boy pushing my Powerade back, oblivious that it was there.  So I run down the parking isle past customers and chase down the boy to get my Powerade.  And after I explained to him what happened, and he looked at me like I was a psycho, I drove home happily with my Powerade...

So I have to wonder: what's the difference between Super Target and Wal-Mart?  

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