Recently, Kaleb and I had our engagement pictures taken by our great friend Carl. Carl and his wife Cara have been good friends of ours for a long time. Needless to say we had the funnest time ever having our pictures taken by Carl. Carl is an awesome photographer with a different perspective which you can see through his pictures. Here are just a few...Check out more of our awesome/fun engagement session! I am so excited about these. It was like Christmas for me receiving them!!

Also Kaleb and I have a Knot page. I know it's kind of weird, but we figured it'd be an easier way of updating everyone on the details of what's going to happen. Hopefully it will be updated more frequently as the day gets closer. Here's a link to our page.

Further this week, Evie, my little yorkie (located in the top left picture above and also below) has been really sick this week. I blame this on myself for stupidly switching her dog food to something "healthier" without properly transitioning her. For future reference, if you have a dog (or probably cat), here is what you can do to help them feel better. I've been following these steps and so far it's working, thank goodness.

Steps to Calm Your Dog's Upset Stomach: via Daily Puppy

  • Step 1:
    Don't feed your dog for 24 hours. Any further feeding will only irritate the dog's already upset stomach. If the dog is a puppy feed him after 12 hours.
  • Step 2:
    Give him ice. Since vomiting and diarrhea may cause dehydration it is important to keep your dog hydrated. But giving your dog water may make him queasy and cause additional vomiting. Put ice chips or a couple of ice cubes in his water bowl instead. Replace them as they melt.
  • Step 3:
    Give your dog a small amount of unflavored Pedialyte or Gatorade to help replace electrolytes lost due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Step 4:
    Yogurt contains good bacteria that helps to aid digestion. Give your dog a spoonful of plain yogurt to settle his stomach.
  • Step 5:
    Feed your dog a bland diet for the first 48 hours following the fast. Veterinarians recommend boiled rice and chicken. Remove the skin from the chicken. Feed your dog small portions three to four times daily. If your dog tolerates the bland diet for at least two days begin to reintroduce his regular diet slowly over the next few days.

Tuscan Chicken Simmer recipe at

Tonight, I made this easy recipe I found on the Kraft Food website. Sometimes when I am looking for a recipe, I google stuff, but I always find myself going back to that site. The website makes it so easy for you to make a meal with what you have. You just type your ingredients in on the left hand side, and it generates recipes that require what you have. This recipe wasn't the greatest ever, but I really enjoyed its creamy-ness.

Thanks to my friend, Megan, I learned a few years ago that Kraft foods would send you a free magazine every quarter with fun seasonal recipes in it. They recently changed this to something you must pay for. But it was amazing while it was free. You can still subscribe for $14/yr.

Another of my favorite recipe sites is: Simply Recipes. The instructions on their recipes tend to be more complicated, but they are still amazing. Try these out some time!

Just to give everyone an update, Grandpa Sharky passed on last Wednesday morning, November 4th. It was a sad day for everyone, but in the end, the family, and I'm sure Grandpa, feel better now that he is no longer suffering. I flew up to Minnesota this last weekend and tried to capture some of the essence of fall in the north. I will have to post pictures later since my camera cord is being borrowed.

For now, I'll leave you all with this awesome post I found on Little Brown Pen - it's a DIY calendar! I am still trying to figure out how I am going to design my calendar for next year, but I do have big plans.

Here are some pictures and at the bottom is the video on the making of it...

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