Just to give everyone an update, Grandpa Sharky passed on last Wednesday morning, November 4th. It was a sad day for everyone, but in the end, the family, and I'm sure Grandpa, feel better now that he is no longer suffering. I flew up to Minnesota this last weekend and tried to capture some of the essence of fall in the north. I will have to post pictures later since my camera cord is being borrowed.

For now, I'll leave you all with this awesome post I found on Little Brown Pen - it's a DIY calendar! I am still trying to figure out how I am going to design my calendar for next year, but I do have big plans.

Here are some pictures and at the bottom is the video on the making of it...

One Comment

  1. I saw something similar here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/marcbrubaker/3175446857/in/set-72157612219385217/

    and I'm actually in the process of getting all my pics for it! I'm pretty stoked about it!


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