Tuscan Chicken Simmer recipe at Kraftfoods.com

Tonight, I made this easy recipe I found on the Kraft Food website. Sometimes when I am looking for a recipe, I google stuff, but I always find myself going back to that site. The website makes it so easy for you to make a meal with what you have. You just type your ingredients in on the left hand side, and it generates recipes that require what you have. This recipe wasn't the greatest ever, but I really enjoyed its creamy-ness.

Thanks to my friend, Megan, I learned a few years ago that Kraft foods would send you a free magazine every quarter with fun seasonal recipes in it. They recently changed this to something you must pay for. But it was amazing while it was free. You can still subscribe for $14/yr.

Another of my favorite recipe sites is: Simply Recipes. The instructions on their recipes tend to be more complicated, but they are still amazing. Try these out some time!

One Comment

  1. Marilyn: I have recently fallen in love with the blog: www.thepioneerwoman.com. Her cooking blog is really fun to read. The one recipe I actually managed to find time to make was amazing.
    Miss you! Erin


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