For all of you designers out there...sad news I read today, which I'm going to repost. I found this post via Graphic Hug, a good solid art and design blog - great to follow. The blog states that from now on I.D. Magazine will be discontinued...

F+W Media
produces and is the owner of the three successful design magazines: Print, How, and I.D. Magazine. I'm not sure how true this article is, but I highly doubt Graphic Hug would post something like this without checking their facts. We'll see I suppose. You can view the blog here.

Here’s the release from I.D.

To Readers, Advertisers and Friends of I.D. Magazine:

Since 1954, I.D. Magazine has served as one of America’s leading critical magazines covering the art, business, and culture of design. Today it is with regret that we announce its closure. The January/February issue of I.D. will be its last; subscribers to I.D. will receive Print magazine for the balance of their subscription.

Ceasing publication of an iconic brand like I.D. is never an easy decision, but there are several forces that have worked against its sustainability. Certainly the downturn in print advertising has contributed to this decision, but other factors include the fragmentation and specialized information needs of I.D.’s core readers (product designers) and the plethora of information resources available to them – some for free (online and B2B) and others that are highly specialized and targeted to specific industries served.

F+W Media will continue producing the I.D. Annual Design Review, its flagship international product design competition, in an expanded fashion online. This new web initiative will feature not only 2010’s winners but will catalog thousands of notable entries from past competitions. Going forward, in addition to the I.D. Annual Design Review, F+W Media’s Design Group is comprised of the award-winning HOW and Print brands – magazines, books, events, and competitions serving the information needs of graphic designers in all media.

We thank the entire I.D. community, past and present – staffers, contributors, readers, and advertisers – for their support of the magazine throughout its 55-year history.


Gary Lynch Publisher & Editorial Director F+W Media Design Community

I found this fun/easy idea via one of my favorite blogs: designsponge, an idea of Allison Fonseca. A fun, cost-efficient way to add handmade and holiday to your home...

Materials Needed:

- cork board (any size or shape you like)

- plain white paper

- photos, magazine clippings, etc.

- white thumbtacks

- scissors


1. Fold and cut the sheets of white paper to make the snowflakes. You should make enough to cover the cork board and to extend over the edges a bit, with some overlapping as well. The snowflakes can be all the same size or of varying sizes. [*note: If the last time you made one of these was the 2nd grade and you need a quick refresher, refer to the diagram below.]

2. Lay the cork board on a flat surface and layer the paper snowflakes and photos on top. There’s no wrong way to do it, just play around with the different pieces until you find an arrangement you like.

3. Use the thumbtacks to attach everything to the cork board. And that’s it! Your one-of-a-kind artwork is now ready to be hung and admired.

Recently, Kaleb and I had our engagement pictures taken by our great friend Carl. Carl and his wife Cara have been good friends of ours for a long time. Needless to say we had the funnest time ever having our pictures taken by Carl. Carl is an awesome photographer with a different perspective which you can see through his pictures. Here are just a few...Check out more of our awesome/fun engagement session! I am so excited about these. It was like Christmas for me receiving them!!

Also Kaleb and I have a Knot page. I know it's kind of weird, but we figured it'd be an easier way of updating everyone on the details of what's going to happen. Hopefully it will be updated more frequently as the day gets closer. Here's a link to our page.

Further this week, Evie, my little yorkie (located in the top left picture above and also below) has been really sick this week. I blame this on myself for stupidly switching her dog food to something "healthier" without properly transitioning her. For future reference, if you have a dog (or probably cat), here is what you can do to help them feel better. I've been following these steps and so far it's working, thank goodness.

Steps to Calm Your Dog's Upset Stomach: via Daily Puppy

  • Step 1:
    Don't feed your dog for 24 hours. Any further feeding will only irritate the dog's already upset stomach. If the dog is a puppy feed him after 12 hours.
  • Step 2:
    Give him ice. Since vomiting and diarrhea may cause dehydration it is important to keep your dog hydrated. But giving your dog water may make him queasy and cause additional vomiting. Put ice chips or a couple of ice cubes in his water bowl instead. Replace them as they melt.
  • Step 3:
    Give your dog a small amount of unflavored Pedialyte or Gatorade to help replace electrolytes lost due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Step 4:
    Yogurt contains good bacteria that helps to aid digestion. Give your dog a spoonful of plain yogurt to settle his stomach.
  • Step 5:
    Feed your dog a bland diet for the first 48 hours following the fast. Veterinarians recommend boiled rice and chicken. Remove the skin from the chicken. Feed your dog small portions three to four times daily. If your dog tolerates the bland diet for at least two days begin to reintroduce his regular diet slowly over the next few days.

Tuscan Chicken Simmer recipe at

Tonight, I made this easy recipe I found on the Kraft Food website. Sometimes when I am looking for a recipe, I google stuff, but I always find myself going back to that site. The website makes it so easy for you to make a meal with what you have. You just type your ingredients in on the left hand side, and it generates recipes that require what you have. This recipe wasn't the greatest ever, but I really enjoyed its creamy-ness.

Thanks to my friend, Megan, I learned a few years ago that Kraft foods would send you a free magazine every quarter with fun seasonal recipes in it. They recently changed this to something you must pay for. But it was amazing while it was free. You can still subscribe for $14/yr.

Another of my favorite recipe sites is: Simply Recipes. The instructions on their recipes tend to be more complicated, but they are still amazing. Try these out some time!

Just to give everyone an update, Grandpa Sharky passed on last Wednesday morning, November 4th. It was a sad day for everyone, but in the end, the family, and I'm sure Grandpa, feel better now that he is no longer suffering. I flew up to Minnesota this last weekend and tried to capture some of the essence of fall in the north. I will have to post pictures later since my camera cord is being borrowed.

For now, I'll leave you all with this awesome post I found on Little Brown Pen - it's a DIY calendar! I am still trying to figure out how I am going to design my calendar for next year, but I do have big plans.

Here are some pictures and at the bottom is the video on the making of it...

First news, I wanted to mention is that I finally found an awesome new job.  My advice to everyone out there is this: Never settle on a job that's something you aren't going to be able to do for a long time.  Don't just work a job to have one unless you are prepared to be miserable.  Because if that job doesn't include awesome work or being with semi-positive people every day, then most likely you're not going to be happy at all.

This was a very simple lesson that I learned by stupidly making myself go through it first...Also I'm pretty sure that medicine will never be my career.  It's so incredibly interesting, but not creative enough for me to do every day.

The second news is about my wonderful Grandpa Sharky...probably the kindest, most genuine soul of anyone I know.  My grandpa (mom's father, who is now 91 years old) was recently diagnosed with full-blown pancreatic cancer...  In the last year, grandpa was in the hospital for falling on his porch and breaking his neck while he was alone.  Grandpa had a triple bipass on his heart a few years ago also.  After talking to my mom, who is now in the hospital with him, she conveyed to me that he probably only has up to a month to live.

I spoke with him on the phone yesterday and upon hearing his voice, I felt for a moment what it will be like when he's gone.  And I realized that it's hard to really feel like you've appreciated someone until they're almost gone.  Up until 2 or 3 years ago, grandpa would still get on his tractor and work on his farm.  Grandpa Sharky has the sharpest mind for a man his age; he remembers dates, birthdays, and history like none other!  He reminded me about my upcoming birthday, which I had forgotten about since my birthdays aren't as much of a priority to me as they used to be.  

And then he said that he hopes to be better soon enough to go home.  He mentioned this a few times to me.  And he actually seemed kind of sure that he was going to recover from all of this.  What an amazing spirit!  He stays positive in the hardest times, when it would seem to anyone else that there is not much hope.  I love my grandpa and it would be AWESOME if he could make it for another year and see our wedding.  For now, there is hope and prayer.  I just had some trouble sleeping this morning and couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I have been to have a man like him for my grandpa.  He has spread much joy to many lives.

It's been a long time since I've written some thoughts on the blogger, so I am finally going to talk about being engaged publicly on the internet.  Maybe that's part of why I haven't written more recently.  There's something about being engaged, in the beginning, that makes you want to keep it private.  Maybe it's the bombarding of questions, ideas, and unsolicited advice of how people think you should get married.  Also it takes some time to get used to being engaged.  I mean, it's never happened before and it's only going to happen once...whoa!

So far it's been a little stressful since my family lives far away.  And once you get engaged, you begin to realize how much of the actual wedding ceremony will be about other people and not just for you and your matey (haha).  

No. We haven't set a date yet, but we have some places in mind which we plan to check out before we commit to it.  I will let all of you know when that happens.

On another note, I've realized how much Oklahoma City (the #1 recession-proof city in the U.S.-as stated by the Greater Chamber newsletter) is actually kind of suffering because of the economy.  Work has been stressful.  And my attitude has been bad.  I work my booty off every day at my job and after writing this, I'm going to go run maybe 5 miles to get it out!

Recently I FINALLY acquired my FIRST dog.  First, allow me to explain how much I wanted a cat when I was younger.  The only furry animals my family has ever owned (besides snakes, tortoises, and other reptiles my dad would find in the woods) has been one cat until I was 4 years old...and later in life (6th grade) my parents finally let me have a parakeet. I wanted a cuddly cat/kitten until I was in middle school, and then I think it changed into wanting a cuddly puppy.  I begged my parents for years.  And I'm betting that I probably mentioned that to them at least once a month, every month my entire 17 years of being home (or at least since I learned to speak).  I would bring this to their attention even more around specific holidays (my birthday and Christmas).

I remember in high school, my best friend, Katie, had been in the same boat all her life (never allowed to own a dog/cat either); and then her parents finally gave in because they knew the importance it had for their children.  That's when I began really pushing my parents, but mainly my mom wouldn't give in.  I think her being raised on a farm with too many animals (St. Bernards included) might have had something to do with our lack of childhood delight growing up.All that to say every month when I would ask my parents for a puppy or a kitten and my parents would say no, I would always retaliate with, "Fine!  When I move out some day, the first thing I'm doing is buying a dog or cat!"  

And they would always reply with, "That's fine, honey.  You can do what you want when you're on your own.  Just remember that you are going to have to be responsible for taking care of it."  

As if I was never a responsible child growing up...

So when I told my parents I got her recently, they responded with, "Really?!  Marilyn!  Why?!"

Haha.  Duh!  But anyway, they seem to be more supportive now than surprised.  It's like they're secretly waiting for me to get sick of her or something and get rid of her.  But I don't think I ever could.  She's amazing.  She's quite a little hyper terror sometimes (or 50% of the time), but even in those times, she's fun.  I'm hoping I can win my parents over to the dog-loving side of the world when one day they will have to babysit her.  :o)

Her name is Evie and she was 8 weeks old when I got her.  The people who I bought her from (on Craigslist) said she was a "Teacup Yorkie," and that's what I had been telling people for the first two weeks I had her.  However, she has grown so much since I've had her, that I am thinking now she is a normal Yorkshire Terrier.  She is 12 weeks old now and since yesterday was so bright and sunny, I took some great photos of her...  see below...

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